Vi Build: Unleashing the Powerhouse


Welcome to the world of League of Legends, where champions clash and battles are won with strategy and skill. In this guide, we’re diving deep into the Vi build, a champion known for her brute force and unmatched power in the game. Whether you’re new to Vi or a seasoned player looking to fine-tune your skills, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to succeed on the Fields of Justice.

Vi Build: Unleashing the Powerhouse

Vi is a versatile and formidable champion, capable of excelling in various roles. To harness her full potential, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of her build.

Building Your Vi: The Core Items

Vi’s core items are the foundation of her build. These items provide the necessary stats and passives to make her a true powerhouse on the battlefield.

Vi Build Core Items:

  • Trinity Force: This versatile item provides Vi with attack damage, health, and movement speed. Its passive, Spellblade, adds bonus damage to her next basic attack, making her punches hit like a truck.
  • Sterak’s Gage: Offering increased health and a lifeline passive, Sterak’s Gage enhances Vi’s survivability in the heat of battle.
  • Dead Man’s Plate: This item grants bonus movement speed and damage on Vi’s next basic attack after building momentum, ensuring she can catch foes and deliver devastating blows.
  • Guardian Angel: Guardian Angel provides a second chance in team fights, allowing Vi to rejoin the battle after falling.

Mastering Vi’s Abilities

To truly excel with Vi, understanding her abilities is paramount.

Q: Vault Breaker

Vault Breaker is Vi’s primary engage tool. Charging it up and releasing it can initiate fights or chase down fleeing enemies. Its impact can be game-changing when aimed accurately.

W: Denting Blows

Denting Blows’ passive component shreds armor, making Vi a terror against tanky foes. Activating it enhances her attack speed and damage output, especially when combined with Trinity Force.

E: Excessive Force

Excessive Force empowers Vi’s next basic attack, dealing bonus damage and damaging nearby enemies. Properly using this ability can maximize her burst damage.

R: Assault and Battery

Vi’s ultimate ability, Assault and Battery, is a game-changer. It allows her to target a single enemy and charge towards them, knocking them up and dealing massive damage. This ability is excellent for isolating key targets in team fights.

Itemization for Different Roles

Depending on your chosen role for Vi, your itemization may vary.

Vi as a Jungler

As a jungler, Vi needs items that enhance her clear speed and sustain. Consider building the following:

  • Hailblade: This jungle item provides Vi with bonus damage to monsters and sustain, ensuring she can clear camps efficiently.
  • Black Cleaver: Black Cleaver offers cooldown reduction, health, and armor shred, making it an excellent choice for jungle Vi.

Vi in the Top Lane

If you’re playing Vi in the top lane, focus on items that increase her durability and damage output:

  • Titanic Hydra: Titanic Hydra adds health, attack damage, and a cleave effect to Vi’s basic attacks, allowing her to thrive in extended trades.
  • Thornmail: Thornmail is a solid defensive choice against AD-heavy top laners, reflecting damage and reducing their attack speed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I initiate team fights with Vi?

To initiate team fights with Vi, position yourself strategically and use your Q (Vault Breaker) to engage. Target key enemies, such as squishy carries, and follow up with your ultimate (Assault and Battery) for maximum impact.

What are Vi’s strengths and weaknesses?

Vi excels in burst damage, crowd control, and single-target elimination. Her weaknesses include vulnerability to crowd control and a lack of sustained damage in prolonged fights.

What runes should I use for Vi?

For Vi, the Conqueror keystone is a strong choice. Pair it with Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand in the Precision tree. Secondary tree options include Domination for Sudden Impact and Ravenous Hunter or Resolve for Second Wind and Unflinching.

How can I counter Vi in a match?

To counter Vi, focus on crowd control and kiting. Champions with stuns, silences, or slows can make it difficult for her to engage effectively. Additionally, building armor can mitigate her burst damage.

Is Vi a viable pick in ranked games?

Yes, Vi is a viable pick in ranked games, especially if you master her mechanics. She can carry games with well-timed engages and target eliminations.

What is the Vi combo for maximum damage?

To maximize damage with Vi, initiate with Q (Vault Breaker), auto-attack to apply the Denting Blows passive, use E (Excessive Force) for the bonus damage, and finish with R (Assault and Battery) to lock down the target.


With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to dominate the battlefield with your Vi build. Remember to adapt your itemization and playstyle to your role and the matchup. Master Vi’s abilities, initiate fights like a pro, and climb the ranks in League of Legends. See you on the Fields of Justice!


Here are some useful links to further enhance your knowledge of the Vi build in League of Legends:

  1. Mobafire Vi Build Guide: This guide provides detailed information on Vi’s abilities, item builds, and strategies for playing her effectively.
  2. Probuilds Vi: Probuilds is a website that offers insights into the item builds used by professional players. You can see what items they choose when playing Vi.
  3. Vi Champion Spotlight: Riot Games’ official champion spotlight for Vi provides an in-depth look at her abilities and playstyle.
  4. Vi Community Discussions on Reddit: Reddit’s League of Legends community often discusses champion builds and strategies. You can find valuable insights from other players here.
  5. Vi Runes and Masteries Guide: This guide focuses on the best runes and masteries for Vi, helping you optimize her performance in matches.
  6. League of Legends Official Website: The official League of Legends website is a valuable resource for patch notes, updates, and news related to the game, including changes that may affect Vi’s build.
  7. Vi Gameplay Videos on YouTube: Watching gameplay videos of high-level Vi players on YouTube can provide visual insights into how to play her effectively.
  8. League of Legends Wiki – Vi: The League of Legends Wiki offers detailed information about Vi’s abilities, lore, and statistics.

By exploring these links, you can gain a deeper understanding of Vi’s build, strategies, and gameplay, ultimately improving your performance with this powerful champion.

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